Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The one mistake - A blessing in disguise!

We seldom feel happy when something goes wrong. But I felt so happy about a tiny mistake that my lil' boy made yesterday. While brushing his teeth before bedtime, he accidentally dropped the circular toothpaste lid in to the open wash drain which went in and placed itself comfortably with the flat face facing upwards. There was just enough space for a knife edge at the sides. All our efforts to pull it out using two knives at the sides went in vain! All that I told him was to stop panicking and to think of a solution if he could. That's when my 7 year old suggested that we use a straw and hold it with air and pull it out! Awe..... ! He took me by surprise! What a presence of mind! Then we improvised it further and added a fully blown balloon to the straw and tried pulling it out. Believe me, it worked indeed! although couldn't pull it out fully. He felt glad that the lid was rising slowly and his idea worked! Meanwhile our 4 year old girl who was a silent spectator of all our experiments brought a glue stick from their stationary kit and suggested that we use it to pull the lid out. Finally their dad used super glue and accomplished the mission! They felt so happy that we improvised their ideas and made them work. I perceived it more like a foundation to creativity in young minds.

Thanks to all those science experiments based on aerodynamics we did together thus far. Looks like he has got hold of the crux! The real pleasure in life lies not in gaining knowledge but when it is put to use in real time. And problems provide us the opportunity to experience such pleasure!

After all a small mistake/trouble instigated the tiny brains to think and come out with a quick and sensible solution. Isn't our life's journey similar?!  If only we learn to perceive every problem in life as an opportunity to extract the best out of us. The more we think about the cause the more it leads to stress and worries which tend to pull you down further. Hence, we fail to think of a sensible/feasible solution! Instead if we could attain that level of control wherein we could overcome all the emotions and focus only on best possible solution with an open mind, I'm sure it will lead us there!

It was a silly mistake  that happened, may be not worth bragging about. But I would call it a "Blessing in disguise"! 

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